Pioneering Mobile Device Repair Certification at MCC
Metropolitan Community College, in collaboration with iFixOmaha and CTIA, launches a pioneering Mobile Device Repair Certification program aimed at training the next generation of tech professionals.

Jason DeWater: A Musical Maestro's Pivot to Mobile Device Mastery
Jason DeWater's unique journey from performing with the Omaha Symphony to pioneering the Mobile Device Repair Academy at Metropolitan Community College demonstrates a dynamic career transformation and dedication to tech education.

Launching Device Connect Omaha: A Step Toward Digital Equity
Device Connect Omaha, a collaborative effort by Metropolitan Community College and iFixOmaha, offers free refurbished devices to the community, addressing the pressing need for digital access.

MCC's Mobile Device Repair Boot Camp: A Stepping Stone for Omaha's Youth
Metropolitan Community College's pioneering Mobile Device Repair Boot Camp is changing lives by equipping Omaha students with essential IT skills and offering them a direct pathway to employment.

Reboot Central: Bridging the Digital Divide at MCC's Digital Express
Metropolitan Community College's Digital Express introduces Reboot Central, a vital resource offering tech access and support to bridge the digital divide in North Omaha.

Introducing the Mobile Device Repair Academy at Metro Community College
Metro Community College and iFixOmaha collaborate to offer a first-of-its-kind Smartphone Repair Academy, blending rigorous certification with hands-on training.