Launching Device Connect Omaha: A Step Toward Digital Equity

Free, Refurbished Devices for the Community at MCC

Metropolitan Community College (MCC) and iFixOmaha are proud to announce the launch of Device Connect Omaha, an innovative program designed to enhance digital equity by providing free, refurbished internet-enabled devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones to those in need. Located at MCC's Fort Omaha Campus, this initiative is set to make significant strides in bridging the digital divide within our community.

Device Connect Omaha was developed in response to the ongoing challenges faced by many in accessing necessary digital tools. The program allows individuals to submit requests for devices, and, when available, receive donated, refurbished equipment free of charge. This initiative not only supports the community by providing essential tech access but also promotes environmental sustainability by diverting old devices from landfills.

The need for such a program is evident, as recent data from the 2021 American Community Survey shows that nearly 1 in every 10 Nebraskans lacks internet access, with percentages even higher in specific areas of Omaha. Device Connect Omaha aims to address these disparities head-on by ensuring that more residents have the necessary tools for online learning, remote work, and other critical digital interactions.

The process of refurbishing these devices involves certified professionals from iFixOmaha at MCC Digital Express, who ensure that all data is wiped securely and the technology is restored to a fully functional state. This process not only guarantees privacy and security but also ensures that the devices are reliable and ready to meet users' needs.

We invite the community to support this vital program by donating unused laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Each donation goes directly toward helping someone in the community connect and engage with the digital world. For those interested in donating or requesting a device, please visit for more information.

Device Connect Omaha is more than just a program—it's a community initiative that empowers residents by providing them with the tools needed to succeed in today's digital age. We are committed to continuing our work with MCC to reach as many people as possible and help close the digital divide in Omaha.

For more detailed information about the Device Connect program and how you can get involved, please refer to the official press release from Metropolitan Community College here.


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