Virus Removal: 10 Signs Your PC Has a Virus You Need Removed
Are you worried you have a computer virus?
There is nothing scarier when you're trying to use your computer than dealing with a virus. It's a nightmare you can't wake up from as it locks your files and cripples your device. And if you aren't a computer expert, it can seem like the end of the world.
But don't worry! Read on for these 10 signs your PC has a virus, so you can arrange virus removal right away.
1. Unexpected Pop-Ups
Unexpected pop-ups are ads that pop up onto your screen, and they're a common sign of a virus. They're annoying for sure, but they can contain malware that's ready to do even more harm to your device.
Some of these pop-ups will look like actual antivirus software ads. You might see it referred to as rogue antivirus. It tells you about made-up security threats and tells you to buy products to 'solve' these fake threats.
Instead of fixing anything, they'll make it worse by installing malware. Some names to look out for are MS Antivirus and Security Suite. Once the malware is on your machine, your data is free for hackers to take, or ransom back to you.
2. Sluggish Boot Ups and Slow Performance
Have you noticed that your device is sluggish to start up when you turn it on? Are your programs running slower? If so, viruses could be the cause.
But it might not be, don't jump right to that assumption as there are other causes for slow performance. First, look to see if you're running out of RAM.
On Windows, go to Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc) and click the Performance tab. There it'll show how many gigabytes of RAM you're using in the Memory section.
For Mac OS, open your Activity Monitor App. Under System Memory, you'll be able to see how much RAM you're using. Other issues could be a lack of hard drive space or damaged hardware. Rule out those issues first, and if it's not them, then a virus might be the cause.
3. Suspicious Hard Drive Activity
Another sign of a computer virus is weird hard drive activity. Your hard drive is always making noises whenever you're using it. If it's making noises when you're not using your computer, this could be a sign of a virus.
When you get a virus, it can open your computer up to hackers. When they have access, hackers can use your computer and get into all your files.
Another sign is your computer waking up when you haven't used it or asked it to. It might be innocent, but if any of the above concerns you, it's best to look for virus removal services.
4. Error Messages & Random Crashes
Other things to look out for when you're not using your computer include:
Virus Removal: 10 Signs Your PC Has a Virus You Need Removed
At iFixOmaha, we have the knowledge and experience to handle all your virus issues.
programs opening/closing at random
system freezing
random computer shutdowns
error messages
These are all signs you could have a virus and hint to someone else using your machine. Only you should have access to your computer, so if it's not acting how you ask it to, then something is wrong. Or someone else is manipulating it.
5. Lack of File Storage
Some types of viruses plant malware that corrupts and manipulates your files. Most of them will fill up your storage will suspicious files or copies of your own items.
Ransomware is a well-known type of malware, and it'll deny you access to your data. To access it, it'll tell you to pay a "ransom" to unlock that data.
If you come across files or programs you don't know and never installed don't click them. Never open anything and Google the term "virus removal near me" immediately. You need an expert who knows how to get rid of a computer virus. If any other devices use your network, they could have an infection too.
6. Missing Files
One of the clearest signs you have a virus is missing files. Or when you can't access your system at all. You may first notice this when you try to open an app or program and it doesn't let you.
Instead, you get an error message saying you aren't allowed to do that. If you try to open an app you usually have no issues with, but it says you don't have permission, you likely have a virus.
7. Heavy Network Activity
Having heavy traffic usage on your network, or a slow internet connection isn't a good sign. It could be due to malware. A lot of types of malware can hack your internet connection.
Once it has access, certain types of malware can use it to carry out undesirable (often illegal) activities. In some extreme cases, it can cut off your access to your internet service completely.
8. Your Email & Social Media Get Hacked
Social media and email are popular targets for hackers. If you notice irregular, suspicious activity on your accounts, it's a sign you could have a virus.
If your friends or contacts have received weird messages from you, that's another sign a hacker got your account. Or you might see weird comments or posts on your account.
If you've noticed any suspicious activity, change your password. Take screenshots of what's happened and notify the providers immediately.
9. You See Web Browers Extensions You Don't Know
Extensions themselves aren't a bad thing, in fact, they can make your browsing life much easier. Some extensions are the opposite and will cause harm.
Some will collect your private browsing data. The person collecting your data will then sell it to a third-party advertiser. It's one of the ways the ads you see always seem so personalized these days.
Other extensions have poor coding and security flaws. This puts your device and network at risk from hackers. If you see browser extensions you didn't install and don't recognize, it's a sign you might have malware.
10. Security Breaches
Each day, hundreds of thousands of new malware programs appear. Antivirus software is your key line of defense when it comes to protecting your devices.
But there are many types of malware that can turn off your antivirus. Malware can stop it from updating as well as prevent it from running any system scans.
Having antivirus software that's always turned off is a common sign of a computer virus. Look out for notifications always saying your device doesn't have protection.
You also want to look for any odd behavior from your antivirus. Like, for example, if your scheduled virus scan doesn't activate when it should.
Don't Mess Around When it Comes to Virus Removal
So, there you have it! Now that you've familiarized with 10 things to look for, you'll be sure to get virus removal when you need it.
Watch out for any changes to your computer's normal functioning. All these changes are easy to spot if you're paying attention, and the earlier you act with a virus ... the better.
If you need virus removal on your device, book an appointment today. At iFixOmaha, we have the knowledge and experience to handle all your virus issues.